Taran's Free Jazz Hour: Matthew Shipp

Oct 11, 2013: 2am- 4am
free103point9 Online Radio

Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen

WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Episode 23 of 2013 of two-hour free jazz show that airs on eight European radio stations and free103point9 Online Radio and WGXC 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley, in New York, in the United States. Click on title to access the playlist. 23/2013: barefoot records bitchslap boogie: maria faust group trio creepy: joakim berghall, sax/ adam pultz melbye, b/ hakon berre, dr like you: ol jonas storli, p/ jesper dyhre nielsen, b/ hakon berre, dr the mighty mouse: morten pedersen, p/ hakon berre, dr/ thommy anderson, b/or/adam melbye, b roguart matter anti-matter: rob mazurek exploding star orchestra innova in the now: john yao quintet tapping the furnace: dorothy hindman compositions performed by various ensembles leo enigma: ivo perelman, ts/ matt shipp, p/ whit dickey, dr/ gerald cleaver, dr grid mesh: willi kellers, dr, p/ andreas willers, el g/ johannes bauer, tbn/ frank paul schubert, as, ss anthony braxton ensemble montaigne noru ka soru ka: mike nord, g, elec/ georg hofman, dr, perc/ makoto matsushima, vo wig autumn songs: ab baars, ts, cl, shakuhachi/ ig henneman, viola ecm trios: carla bley, p/ andy sheppard, ts, ss/ steve swallow, b emanem new surfacing: spontaneous music ensemble-john stevens, dr/ nigel coombes, vln/ roger smith, g