Radio Stew: First Fireside Chat

Mar 12, 2013: 12:05 am- 1am
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President Franklin Roosevelt gives first radio Fireside Chat, about the banking crisis, March 12, 1933, and this show rolls that tape. From Wikipedia: "Roosevelt first used what would become known as "fireside chats" in 1929 as Governor of New York. Roosevelt faced a conservative Republican legislature, so during each legislative session, he would occasionally address the citizens of New York directly. In a New York History Quaterly article on the fireside chats' origin, Geoffrey Storm notes that while a WGY radio "address of April 3, 1929 was FDR's third gubernatorial radio address, historian Frank Freidel asserts that this was the first fireside chat." In these speeches, Roosevelt appealed to radio listeners for help getting his agenda passed. Letters would pour in following each of these "chats," which helped pressure legislators to pass measures Roosevelt had proposed. He began making the informal addresses as president on March 12, 1933, during the Great Depression."