About Wave Farm
Framework: John F. Barber
Feb 02, 2013: 11am- 12pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
This edition of framework:afield has been produced in Vancouver, Washington, in the United States, by John F. Barber. Ambient Pulsations explores a universe of pulsating sounds, all without apparent physical sources or attributes of materiality. This inability to visualize sound sources promotes an acousmatic listening experience focused on the act of hearing. As a result, we take interest in sounds for their own merits, refining our listening through repeated listening, thus becoming more aware of our listening variations and subjectivity. This work imagines itself a narrative, but, what does it sound like to you?
(timeline & descriptions)
01:20 Saturn radio wave transmissions
02:22 Space weather sounds
04:20 Sample, “Electric fence controller bugged by the enemy eraser,” track #6, To Make Things Happen in the Bunker Via the Micro Way. Carl Michael von Hausswolff. 1997.
04:01 Sample, “Spirit folio lite detector (no positive results),” track #2, To Make Things Happen in the Bunker Via the Micro Way. Carl Michael von Hausswolff. 1997.
05:09 Enceladus radio wave transmissions
06:20 Alien voices
06:41 Ocean waves
07:04 Boulder River, Colorado
08:09 Psycho soundscape
09:20 Attic fan
09:52 Airplane passenger cabin during takeoff
12:28 Dishwasher fill cycle
15:33 Distant traffic
15:33 Pacific tree frogs
15:35 Rain on vent cover
17:52 Saturn radio wave transmissions
17:52 Boulder River, Colorado (reversed)
17:52 Dishwasher wash cycle (start)
17:52 Distant traffic
17:52 Airplane passenger cabin pulsations
17:52 Blower, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system
20:54 Railroad crossing, Stevenson, Washington
21:05 Rumble under railroad overpass, Vancouver, Washington
23:59 Motor rumble (excavator)
24:04 Motor sounds, antique tractors, Clark County Fair, Ridgefield, Washington
24:24 Motor sounds, antique tractors, Clark County Fair, Ridgefield, Washington
24:56 Pulsations, antique gasoline powered milking machine, Clark County Fair, Ridgefield, Washington
26:06 Motor sounds, antique tractors, Clark County Fair, Ridgefield, Washington
26:06 Motor sounds, antique tractors, Clark County Fair, Ridgefield, Washington
27:06 Drumming, city park, Spokane, Washington
29:58 Home breadmaking machine
30:36 Distant traffic
30:36 HVAC blower
30:36 Rumble under railroad overpass, Vancouver, Washington
30:36 Attic fan
32:03 Dishwasher, wash cycle (reversed)
32:00 Lapellah Restaurant, Vancouver, Washington
33:21 Air conditioning blower, Stevenson, Washington
34:24 Distant traffic
34:77 Terminal light rail, Atlanta International Airport
36:00 Airplane passenger cabin pulsations
36:00 Lapellah Restaurant, Vancouver, Washington
36:00 Lobby conversations, general ambience
37:01 Sample, “Rapid Dots,” CD#3, track #22, The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations
38:54 Sample, “Faders,” CD#4, track #29, The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations
39:55 Sample, CD#4, track #39, The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations
40:54 Sample, CD#4, track #40, The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations
41:55 Sample, CD#4, track #43, The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations
42:55 Sample, “Workshop,” #4, track #30, The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations
43:55 Enceladus radio wave transmissions
43:51 Water down parking lot drain
46:09 SFX sample, Lost
46:31 Womb
47:07 Heartbeat (normal)
47:57 Rainchain
48:29 Loon, rain, and windchime
54:05 Dishwasher, fill cycle
56:20 End