About Wave Farm
TMP: adventures in anarchitecture and atmography
Nov 20, 2005: 4am- 12pm
free103point9 Project Space + Gallery (1997-2006)
97 South 6th Street | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 718-599-5955
Street sounds from seven cities (Zurich, Frankfurt, Nantes, Athens, San
Francisco, Lima, New York) will be channeled through the free103point9
space in Williamsburg and into the surrounding streets.
In addition, to capture a diverse array of sounds in the New York area, we will be utilising cell phones as remote/roving microphones. Phone numbers of participants will be entered into a computer which will call those numbers throughout the action. On receiving the call the recipient holds up their phone to whatever sound source they wish to capture in their immediate environment and this sound is channeled into the general mix of the sonic-anarchitectural constructions at fee103point9 and in San Sebastian (Basque country). dear friends,
during the ungodly hours of 4am - 12pm Sunday Nov 20 cultural counter-intelligence agents TMP will launch the next phase of their unobjective research in the fields of anarchitecture and atmography.
Street sounds from seven cities (Zurich, Frankfurt, Nantes, Athens, San Francisco, Lima, New York) will be channeled through the free103point9 space in Williamsburg and into the surrounding streets.
In addition, to capture a diverse array of sounds in the New York area, we will be utilising cell phones as remote/roving microphones. Phone numbers of participants will be entered into a computer which will call those numbers throughout the action. On receiving the call the recipient holds up their phone to whatever sound source they wish to capture in their immediate environment and this sound is channeled into the general mix of the sonic-anarchitectural constructions at fee103point9 and in San Sebastian (Basque country).
to get a diverse array of sound-scapes we need as many people as possible to act as remote microphones. We recognize that the hours are awful but we figure that plenty of you will be up at 4am Sunday morning and some early risers may be able to take up a second shift and cover us to midday. If you would like to participate as a roving microphone please e-mail dion@tinynumbers[stopspam].com, giving us your cell phone number and telling us when within the designated times of 4am - 12pm it will be okay to call.
****passively sponge up the sounds****
we extend an open invitation to all to join us at the free103 space: 97 S. 6th Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn (b/t Bedford & Berry) from 4am - 12pm Sunday Nov 20. Drop by on your way back from the bar!
****particpate and sponge****
the feedback loop of a call to a cell phone that is inside the space should be interesting!
This project is done in conjunction with the [Un]Common Sounds Festival, San Sebastian and Christian Galarretta (Lima), Achim Wollscheid (Frankfurt), AS 11 (Athens), Randy H. Yau (San Francisco), Jason Khan (Zurich), APO33 (Nantes), Illios, Julien Ottavi, Xabier Erkizia, Mattin, Inigo Telletxea (Donostia-San Sebastian).
In addition, to capture a diverse array of sounds in the New York area, we will be utilising cell phones as remote/roving microphones. Phone numbers of participants will be entered into a computer which will call those numbers throughout the action. On receiving the call the recipient holds up their phone to whatever sound source they wish to capture in their immediate environment and this sound is channeled into the general mix of the sonic-anarchitectural constructions at fee103point9 and in San Sebastian (Basque country). dear friends,
during the ungodly hours of 4am - 12pm Sunday Nov 20 cultural counter-intelligence agents TMP will launch the next phase of their unobjective research in the fields of anarchitecture and atmography.
Street sounds from seven cities (Zurich, Frankfurt, Nantes, Athens, San Francisco, Lima, New York) will be channeled through the free103point9 space in Williamsburg and into the surrounding streets.
In addition, to capture a diverse array of sounds in the New York area, we will be utilising cell phones as remote/roving microphones. Phone numbers of participants will be entered into a computer which will call those numbers throughout the action. On receiving the call the recipient holds up their phone to whatever sound source they wish to capture in their immediate environment and this sound is channeled into the general mix of the sonic-anarchitectural constructions at fee103point9 and in San Sebastian (Basque country).
to get a diverse array of sound-scapes we need as many people as possible to act as remote microphones. We recognize that the hours are awful but we figure that plenty of you will be up at 4am Sunday morning and some early risers may be able to take up a second shift and cover us to midday. If you would like to participate as a roving microphone please e-mail dion@tinynumbers[stopspam].com, giving us your cell phone number and telling us when within the designated times of 4am - 12pm it will be okay to call.
****passively sponge up the sounds****
we extend an open invitation to all to join us at the free103 space: 97 S. 6th Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn (b/t Bedford & Berry) from 4am - 12pm Sunday Nov 20. Drop by on your way back from the bar!
****particpate and sponge****
the feedback loop of a call to a cell phone that is inside the space should be interesting!
This project is done in conjunction with the [Un]Common Sounds Festival, San Sebastian and Christian Galarretta (Lima), Achim Wollscheid (Frankfurt), AS 11 (Athens), Randy H. Yau (San Francisco), Jason Khan (Zurich), APO33 (Nantes), Illios, Julien Ottavi, Xabier Erkizia, Mattin, Inigo Telletxea (Donostia-San Sebastian).