About Wave Farm
Second NYC Grassroots Media Conference
Apr 09, 2005 - Apr 10, 2005
The New School
The NYC Grassroots Media Coalition (GMC) formed through the organizing efforts behind the first NYC Grassroots Media Conference held in February 2004 at the New School. The goals of the NYCGMC are to strengthen and unify the networks of local grassroots media makers to better serve the communities of New York City. Currently organizations including Paper Tiger Television, The NYC Independent Media Center are affiliated with the growing coalition. In organizing media makers the coalition seeks to provide a space to look critically at the NYC indepedent media movement, organize for increased resources for local communities and for media advocacy. The coalition will work to provide a format through which independent media makers can communicate, collaborate and strategize ways to increase awareness of community organizing campaigns through media making. The coalition will work to create both physical and virtual spaces where local media makers are accountable to and inclusive of the diverse communities of New York City, and provide spaces for organizations, artists and individuals to share experiences and resources, collectively develop projects and avoid duplicating efforts.