Ian Epps

Ian Epps is a Sonic/Visual Artist, customizing his life and belongings, in Brooklyn, NY.

Ian Epps is interested in treating sound as units, much like building blocks. These blocks become pieces of information that synthesize space. Each block has a voice and sings, but together sounds out the warmth and infinitely complex nature of a composed environment.

He has played performances alongside and in collaboration with Rafael Toral, Ogurusu Norihide, Kenneth Kirschner. Mountains (Koen Holtkamp & Brendon Anderegg), Takeshi Mitsuhashi, Richard Devine, EVOL, Dave Gross and Liz Tonne, Richard Zvonar, Dan Walsh, Joe McPhee, Andrew Deutsch, and Pauline Oliveros. and collectively with Dan Walsh, and Jason Forrest aka Donna Summer under the name "the Computers".