Music for the Masses: A New Year, A New Season – Nowruz Mobarak! (Audio)

Mar 21, 2021
Today millions of people around the world are celebrating Nowruz – the Persian New Year and the first day of Spring. This is the time for new beginnings, to celebrate love and life with family and friends. The United Nations formally designated the Nowruz as an international holiday in 2010. In this broadcast we feature a special selection of music from Iran (mostly), Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and more. Nowruz Mobarak! Music for the Masses invites you on an excursion of sound and rhythm. Discover the music of established and emerging artists, both signed and unsigned, on the international music scene. Expect the unexpected. You might want to pack a map and a sandwich. For the avid globe-hopper and armchair traveler alike. Broadcast live from Catskill.