Music for the Masses: Haiti's Kanaval that Wasn't (Audio)

Mar 01, 2020
The second of this year's Carnival series takes us to Haiti, where Kanaval – scheduled from Feb. 17 through 25 – was cancelled for the second year in a row due to political violence. Today we'll hear a selection of songs written and recorded for Kanaval 2020, most of which carry heavy social commentary driven by the celebratory rhythms that should have been taking over the streets this season, instead of protests and gunshots. Music for the Masses invites you on an excursion of sound and rhythm. Discover the music of established and emerging artists, both signed and unsigned, on the international music scene. Expect the unexpected. You might want to pack a map and a sandwich. For the avid globe-hopper and armchair traveler alike. Broadcast live from the Hudson studio.