WGXC Afternoon Show: sTo Len (Audio)
Tune in for the premiere of sTo Len's Live Streaming created while in-residence at Wave Farm. Live Streaming features a chorus of the watershed in the Greene County area of New York State. The singers include Catskill Creek, DuBois Creek, Thorp Creek, Bowery Creek, Shingle Kill, Kaaterskill Creek, the Hudson River, and a few unnamed ponds as well as last week’s rain, insects, birds, and frogs. Instrumentation includes hydrophones, contact mics, cassette recorder, radio, Priezor electromagnetic antenna, iPhone, geiger counter, a metal chair, divining rods, an ice cream truck, a boat, oars, cars, drainage pipe, the wind, some dogs, rocks and a few of John Cage’s old rainsticks.
The show features local news, interviews with community leaders and personalities, a rundown of local and regional events, weather updates, and more about and for the community. The show is a place for a community conversation about issues, with music, and more. Saturday the emphasis is more on radio art, and art on the radio. Unlike shows by individual programmers on the station, the "WGXC Afternoon Show" is considered partially station-run. The Wednesday show calls itself the "Drive-Time Show" and Sunday's is "Li Le, Le Tan."