A Special Report on the Harlem Children's Zone. (Audio)
Oct 29, 2012
Produced by Milandou and Pamela Badila.
This is a special feature on the Harlem Children's Zone, produced by Pamela and Milandou Badila, and recorded on-site at the Practitioner's Institute at the HCZ. The Harlem Children's Zone is a non-profit organization that operates a neighborhood-wide system of education and social services and programs for children and families in a 100 block area in Harlem. Why is this significant to us in Greene and Columbia Counties? President Obama’s “Promise Neighborhoods Initiative” -- which has granted a $400,000 planning grant to the Catholic Charaties of Columbia and Greene Counties, for a Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood planning project -- was designed with the intention of replicating neighborhood-wide programs like the Harlem Children's Zone across the country. The organization has received major media attention -- but an actual tour of the place and the project is hard to access. As one of the Promise Neighborhoods communities, a delegation of Hudson Area educators and organizers received a three-day introduction to and tour of the project -- and Pamela Badila took one of WGXC’s recorders.