NORMLRadio: 20241208 (Audio)
Dec 08, 2024
A bit of everything for some... most... and none. We simply and purely love music over here... It’s to be shared and experienced in all of its kinds in one place...(offered by Yeshi and friends sometimes.)
Yeshi was raised in Brooklyn and is now living/growing in Catskill. Mama to one-world changer. Lover of all things green that grow. Studied expressive arts as a healing practice. An emerging voice actor, good food and way maker. Child of the Universe. Traveled the world over on the strength of music, truly a sanctuary that offers up endless discovery. A pure joy to share.
- Lay It Down Clown (Ed Stasium Mix) / The Replacements
- Kapitel 3.7 / Rolf A. Becker
- The Dandy Walks Again / Peter Thomas
- Gentle Thoughts / Aquarian Dream
- babylon shuffle (Feat. Achanté) / Last Nubian, Sweet Fruity Brunch
- Polestar / Nowt
- Budoshida / George Davis
- Promise Me Love [feat. Laronn Dolley] / Malik Alston
- Free Paradise / Dave Steezy
- The Pony (feat. Mercedes P-Valley) / Stan CLMG
- Feather / Little Dragon
- Ease / The Kid Flames
- Baewatch / Bryceton Alan Bond
- Reverie / Adrian Younge
- Welcome to Basics / Around7
- Morning Love (Jonny Faith Bruk Beats Mix) / SMTHNG SMTIME
- The Time Is Now (Old-School Mix) / Felica Williams
- Persuade You (Original Mix) feat. CEE. / Coflo feat. Tomahawk Bang feat. The BAANGBROTHERS
- Falling out the Sky / The Alchemist;Earl Sweatshirt;Armand Hammer
- Electric Relaxation / A Tribe Called Quest
- Dance Of Maria (Album Version) / Elias Rahbani
- Ala Vida / El Michels Affair
- Too High / Stevie Wonder
- You Can Tell Me Goodbye / Bernetia Miller And The Soul Groovers
- Joy Road / The Lyman Woodard Organization