Donald Drumpf Theatre Volume 22 Rockin' Donald (Audio)
Jun 19, 2017
Produced by Tom Roe.
This week: Donald Drumpf Theatre Vol. 22 Rockin' Donald. Songs this week included are from Roy Zimmerman ("The Don," and "Pixie Man"), Bobby Day ("Rockin' Robin"), Spike Jones ("Der Führer's Face"), and Golden Earring ("Twilight Zone"). Clips and excerpts this week from Donald Drumpf, Seth Meyers, "Fake News with Cassetteboy," Lawrence O'Donnell, James Comey, Lester Holt, Jeanine Pirro, Dianne Feinstein, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Chris Christie, Susan Collins, Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham, Donald Drumpf Jr., Willie Geist, Joe Scarborough, Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Al Franken, Jeff Sessions, Richard Burr, Kate McKinnon, Kamala Harris, Chuck Todd, Sgt. Schultz, Jason Chaffetz, Rex Tillerson, and Reince Priebus. Original radio theatre, and new productions from Pacifica Radio are included here, with historic radio theatre some weeks. The definition of "radio theatre" is stretched here, with a Richard Foreman-meets-mashup style sometimes, and a more straightforward take other weeks. Anyone who would like to work on a production, or have their work air in this timeslot, should contact