Echolocation: Soniferous Aquatic Cacophony Part II (Audio)
Hang out near the water and enjoy the summertime sounds that abound both above and below the surface. The Earth’s soniferous aquatic symphony includes the calls of echolocating electric eels, amorous fish, and the voice of the water itself – ranging from a gurgle to a roar. This broadcast features Annea Lockwood’s Sound Map of the Hudson River, described by the composer as “an aural journey from the source of the river, Lake Tear of the Clouds in the high peak area of the Adirondacks, downstream to the Lower Bay and the Atlantic.”
Echolocation explores aspects of environmental art, especially the use of bioacoustics in sound art and musical composition. The show dwells at the junction between art, science and natural sound, and features works by artists working in the fields of soundscape studies, deep listening and acoustic ecology. Featured composers include R. Murray Schaffer, Doug Quin, Lisa Walker, Hildegard Westerkamp, Pauline Oliveros, and others. Each quarterly program includes news and updates from fields related to scientific and artistic studies of environmental sound. Submissions of locally recorded and produced pieces are encouraged.