Music in Time: Sincerely, Spike (Audio)

Oct 11, 2023
Produced by Evan McCormick.
In this special pledge drive re-broadcast, a different route to exploring the past through music — a route that travels down Main Street in the village of Catskill, and into Spike's Record Rack. Anyone who has been in the Record Rack knows that owner Spike Priggen does not just deal in records and music memorabilia. He is also a font of music history and a great storyteller to boot. In this conversation with host Evan McCormack, Priggen talked about a life framed entirely by music, all starting in 1976 when he took a Thursday night job at Cutler's record shop in New Haven, Connecticut. That was the year a three-piece rock outfit from Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Dwight Twilley Band, released their debut album Sincerely, a Priggen favorite and one that forms the basis for this broadcast.