Climate activists protest stalled talks. (Audio)

Dec 07, 2011
Report produced by WGXC correspondent Kelly Benjamin in Durban, South Africa.
Activists and NGOs are stressing out at the United Nations Climate Change Talks in Durban, South Africa as negotiations continue on whether there will be a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the only legally binding international agreement on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. WGXC's Kelly Benjamin is at the climate talks and files this report. Climate activists formed a line inside the main corridor of the conference center in Durban today wearing t-shirts that read "I love KP" and "Treaty Now." The idea was to send a message to negotiators to not let the Kyoto Protocol die. The action was organized by TCKTCKTCK an alliance pushing for the creation of low carbon economics and immediate governmental action on climate change. This audio clip is Paul Horsman, campaign director with TCKTCKTCK.