Itinerant Mind: Telemosis (Audio)
This month Itinerant Mind kicks off with "In Flow" an improvisation by Annie Morrad and Ross Oliver recorded live Saturday April 14 at "Cabinet of Curiosities 4” at St Mary le Wigford in Lincoln, UK.
This is followed by a telematic (online) improv recorded by Annie Morrad and Ian McArthur on March 24. We’ve been referring to versions of this piece as being titled, “Restless”. This was produced during the run up to our upcoming presentation of our iterative work “A Lack of Chairs” which is comprised of performance and filmic works to be exhibited at Documents, Alternatives - a symposium of artistic process and practice at Bath Spa University. The symposium is staged simultaneously with the exhibition Documents, Alternatives (#3) at BSAD gallery, which is open to the public 20th April – 1st May 2018. The exhibition and symposium are part of the Alternative Document, a project by Dr. Angela Bartram, Associate Professor and Head of Arts Research, at University of Derby.
Bartram writes: "The documentation of ephemeral artwork, works made to be transient, changeable and un-fixed, is often problematic for the intent and premise of creation as it aligns itself with a particular moment, place and viewpoint in time. Lens-based methods are mostly relied upon to communicate actuality and happening and to fix the un-fixed memory of the artwork, and this is part of that problem. Effectively, this type of documentary device works in opposition to the concept of the artwork, cementing into a fragmentary history when all it wants is to be fleeting in its temporality. The lens-made recording tends to generalize vision and, by extension, it does not fully communicate the experience of ‘being there’ and present. This is problematic for artwork whose very premise is to be transient and time-based, and for which direct experience is a priority.
‘Documents, Alternatives (#3)’ is an exhibition that includes time-based works that rely on performative process and created experience, which aims to resolve this issue by making the document and artwork reflexive. In doing this it acknowledges their need for change so that they remain continuous and in process through staging a practical and thought provoking visual discussion. The symposium accompanies this exhibition at BSAD, and acts in response to process with artistic practice and the experience of the artwork. It situates a series of opportunities for the experience of process through a structure of colloquialism adjacent to the exhibition, to open the nature of artistic process to critical debate. To enable a dialogue about process (as that exhibited and that discussed) informed by both academic and creative domains, symposium speakers are the artists with work in the accompanying exhibition."
For this symposium, Ian has produced a video, Annie will play live tenor saxophone to this when shown. Morrad will not have seen the video prior to this live event.
The set closes with a continuation of our exposition of distributed sonic processes with material from our ongoing work “The Grid” from Project Anywhere, the global blind peer reviewed exhibition program dedicated to promoting art and artistic research at the outermost limits of location-specificity. More information can be found at: