The Conduction Series: Audio Weeds (aka Glitch) (Audio)
Sep 02, 2022
Conducted by Andy DiLallo .
A core group of sound and transmission artists from Boulder (CO), Santa Cruz (CA), Buffalo (NY), and Vancouver (Canada) come together with other remote participants to create a monthly live radio series using the platform "Mezcal” developed by August Black and airing on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM Radio for Open Ears in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley. This month's broadcast included: Betsey Biggs (Boulder, CO) Andy DiLallo (Boulder, CO); Maximilian Goldfarb (Hudson, NY); Peter Courtemanche (Wave Farm, NY); Anna Friz (Wave Farm, NY); August Black (Boulder, CO); Virginia Mantinian (Denver, CO); Jeff Economy (Kingston, NY); and Jason Sanford (Boulder, CO).