WGXC Morning Show: Ollie Westfall, Chris Genz, Ray Adamski, Julie Michaels Keegan (Audio)

Mar 25, 2021

Omi Maple and Honey owner, Ollie Westfall, of Ghent, talks with WOOC's Sina Basila Hickey about the process of maple syrup making. Westfall explains the whole process of maple syrup making from setting his sap lines to the final boiling in his barn. Find the Omi Maple and Honey cart at 22 County Rd Ghent, NY 12075 or visit their Facebook page. Plus, WOOC's Alexx Weihrich talks to UAlbany junior, Chris Genz, about his switch to online and hybrid learning. They talk about the difficulties of adjusting to different learning styles and "wellness days" the school has let them have off. And in the latest Hudson Valley Word of Mouth segment from Julia Joern, a visit with Ray Adamski, proprietor of the Hodge Podge Shop. Located near Catskill Creek right on Main Street in Leeds, his place is just like it sounds. It's a classic mom and pop shop -- only much, much bigger -- that's jam-packed with everything and the kitchen sink: eclectic antiques and collectables, vintage furniture and historic housewares, funky lamps and chandeliers, old records and magazines from bygone eras, you name it. Ray started out working in Hollywood, sourcing period props to fit film scripts. He still works with the local film industry, most notably on Ang Lee's 'Taking Woodstock' (2009), as well as set decorators and stylists. But his shop is truly beloved by everyday hunters and gatherers who enjoy scouring flea markets, garage sales, and thrift stores for unique recycled and repurposed finds. Finally, A report issued in early March 2021 by Disability Rights New York (DRNY), the agency charged with safeguarding the rights of people living with disabilities, in conjunction with the New York Civil Liberties Union and New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, describes how the state failed to protect people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live in group homes from COVID-19. WOOC correspondent Corinne Carey spoke with Julie Michaels Keegan, Director of the Protection and Advocacy Programs for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities at DRNY about the report.

The WGXC Morning Show is a radio magazine show featuring local news, interviews with community leaders and personalities, reports on cultural issues, a rundown of public meetings and local and regional events, with weather updates, and more about and for the community, made mostly through volunteers in the community through WGXC. The Catskill Makers Syndicate produce the "Better Weather" for the show. Rob Gelles produces the Columbia County history segment "Rob Around The County" and "This Month in History" for the show. Julia Joern produced the "Hudson Valley Word of Mouth" interview segment each week. The "WGXC Congressional Report" also airs here. Some reports come from our partner station, WOOC-LP in Troy, out of The Sanctuary for Independent Media. Tom Roe also cuts up local and national news with songs and sounds for the show. At 9 a.m. "The WGXC Daily," with local headlines, weather, and previews of community events, airs. At 10 a.m., national headlines from Public News Service are on WGXC. Sometimes national, state, or local press conferences, meetings, or events are broadcast live here.