Documentation of Zach Poff’s “Radio Silence” now online

Jul 13, 2010 9:03 pm

Radio Silence explores the silent moments of talk-radio, combining eight AM broadcasts into an expanded conversation based on the “negative spaces” between words.

A pause in conversation might indicate the end of a thought or an opportunity for reflection and response. A pause in a radio broadcast offers different potentials: As radio listeners, we can’t respond but we might exercise our only form of interactivity: changing the station. On commercial radio, moments of silence are minimized to avoid losing listeners. Broadcasters use digital time-compression to shorten their programming and leave more time for advertising, and some have experimented with tiny “blip ads” to monetize every last second of the broadcast day. In Radio Silence, pauses are treated as opportunities to probe the neighboring airwaves in search of other conversations. Over time, it surveys the spectrum of viewpoints currently on the air, weaving them together through the intersections of a shared linguistic device.