Orlando et la tempête viral symphOny redux suite (Audio)

Jan 16, 2021
Created by Joseph Nechvatal and Andrew Deutsch

In connection with Joseph Nechvatal’s art exhibition Orlando et la tempête, held in the Fall of 2020 at Galerie Richard Paris, Andrew Deutsch and Joseph Nechvatal have created a suite of noise music audio tracks collectively called the Orlando et la tempête viral symphOny redux suite, that revisits virus-modelled audio material from the viral symphOny and also integrates an anonymous reading of the novel Orlando, written by Virginia Woolf in 1928.

1. wOOlf wOrdings Of OrlandO
2. OrlandO et la tempête viral symphOny redux
3. rampage at the capitOl OrlandO viral tempest
4. OrlandO shOegazer strides tOwards fiascO
5. slOw OrlandO Of cOntestatiOn and decOmpOsitiOn
6. OrlandO undOne by scOrnful dOg star