Useful Radio (Audio)

Dec 12, 2020
Created by Jeff Kolar, including collaborations with Joe Jeffers, Anna Friz, and Zeena Parkins.

Useful Radio is a new radio mix focused on radio voices, citizen listening, and the intimacy of signals. Featuring collaborations with Joe Jeffers, Anna Friz, and Zeena Parkins. Track listing in order or appearance: Untitled by Jeff Kolar; Creepy Tipi by Joe Jeffers and Jeff Kolar; Far Gone by Jeff Kolar; Useful Radio by Anna Friz and Jeff Kolar; Hooking by Zeena Parkins and Jeff Kolar; and Prologue by Zeena Parkins and Jeff Kolar.

This work was commissioned by Wave Farm for the durational broadcast event Christof Migone's You- on December 12, 2020.