WGXC Afternoon Show: Kristiaan Ueno, Chosen Family (Audio)
Joining Tom Roe during the 4 p.m. hour is Kristiaan Ueno of Atelier Ku-Ki, a food and lifestyle brand that is committed to contemporary experiences inherited from ancient Japan. Kristiaan discusses the founding of Atelier Ku-Ki, its 3rd anniversary, and its location in Catskill, NY. During the 5 p.m. hour, Mike Amari (local event organizer for Opus 40, Basilica Hudson, and others) and Liam Singer (owner of The Avalon Lounge in Catskill, NY and also a member of Wave Farm’s Board of Directors) are interviewed about this month’s “Show Paper” in the Chosen Family Zine and point out some of the features in October's print edition.
The "WGXC Afternoon Show" features local news, interviews with community leaders and personalities, a rundown of local and regional events, weather updates, and more about and for the community. The show is a place for a community conversation about issues, with music, and more. Saturday the emphasis is more on radio art, and art on the radio. Unlike shows by individual programmers on the station, the "WGXC Afternoon Show" is considered partially station-run. The Sunday version calls itself "Li Le, Le Tan." Tune in for local news, interviews with community leaders and personalities, reports on cultural issues, a rundown of public meetings and local and regional events, with weather updates, and more about and for the community, made mostly through volunteers in the community through WGXC. The Catskill Makers Syndicate produce the "Better Weather" for the show. Rob Gelles produces the Columbia County history segment "Rob Around The County" and "This Month in History" for the show. Interview segments from Justin Maiman are often heard on this show, as our movie updates from Jenny Ghetti and Amanda Lees. Interviews by hosts of the "WGXC Afternoon Show" also get played back here occasionally. And Jack Sencabaugh contributes the "Backtracks in Time" segment about local history. Some reports come from our partner station, WOOC-LP in Troy, out of The Sanctuary for Independent Media. Tom Roe also cuts up local and national news with songs and sounds for the show. The show begins each day with local headlines, weather, and previews of community events. Also tune in for national headlines from the Public News Service on WGXC. Sometimes national, state, or local press conferences, meetings, or events are also broadcast live here. WGXC is always looking for contributors who have an interesting idea for a recurring segment on either the "WGXC Morning Show" or the "WGXC Afternoon Show." Email your idea to
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