Night Time with Christopher Michael Hefner: 20230809 (Audio)
Aug 09, 2023
A selection of vespertine and/or nocturnal sounds for your consideration during the after hours.
Christopher Michael Hefner is a multidisciplinary visual artist who makes drawings and paintings, and film and video, as well. He has been DJing at bars and clubs since before he was legally supposed to and has hosted a weekly show on Chicago's Lumpen Radio since 2015. Hefner is a resident of Rensselaer County.
- Vault 101 / Ghvst & Whoishype
- 90 Metres / Thor & Friends
- Youme & Meyou / Einstuerzende Neubauten
- The Shape Of The Dance / Tom Relleen
- Luke the Ox feat. Tigris / Kalbata
- Ambler / Driftmachine
- Üble Schlucht / Automatisme
- //// / Second Woman
- # / Atom™
- Buul a'Nyich / Authentically Plastic
- Bond Number / CoH
- Babel / I.B.M.
- Red Sex / Vessel
- Strong Proud Stupid and Superior / Grebenstein
- Rotisiv Eht / Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe