Radiant Point: Owen Phillips and DJ t.h.e.o.2 (Audio)

Jul 01, 2024

This week, Owen Phillips and DJ t.h.e.o.2 sub in for Nick & Lysa!

DJ t.h.e.o.2 and Owen stage an impromptu anarchic sound clash by time traveling through forgotten hard drives, never-played 80's cassette tapes stashed in shoe boxes, and some of the dark corners of their vinyl collections. Theo unearthed mind-blowing tracks with unknown authorship and dubious provenance that probably haven't hit FM in 40 years if ever. Shout out to Danny Powell's legendary 1990's WKCR show Across 110th Street and thank you to Radiant Point’s hosts Nick and Lysa. Oh, and one legit new release got in the mix from Funk Night Record's Penza Penza album, Alto e Primitivo. Stay Radiant!

Don’t Be So Holy Poly Over My Souly / Kit Ream
Much Sharper, More Focus / Penza Penza
Apple Juice Break / Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf
Allaudin William Mathieu / Boundary Variations
Your Gone [sic] / V/A
Tous les bon élèves / Charlélie Couture
Sterilization / Péloquin-Sauvageau
Escape from the Rooftops / Bill Nelson
Last Ride of the Boogie Child / Tim Burke
Work & Pray / Byard Lancaster
Документален запис - 3 / Славка Калчева
Mildly Skeeming / Soft Verdict AKA Wim Mertens
Improvisation on Magnetic Tape #4 / Oskar Sala
The Poo Poo Girl with the Poo Poo Curl / Gene Anderson & the Dynamic Psychedelics
Beer, (So Nice) Right On / JD & The Evil's Dynamite Band
Time Shall Be No More / The Gospel Artistics
Search for the Reason Why / Rahssan Roland Kirk
Where Do Clouds Go / ???
Rock Star / Kenneth Higney
Shut Up / Butter 08
Opposable Thumbs / MJB
Pictures in My Window / Arcesia
Feeling(s) of Love / Palmer Rocky
If I Should Fall In Love / Joe Tossini & Friends
Haditouni (Habibi Funk 015) / Douaa
Music is Nothing but a Prayer / Ensemble Asalam
Scratchinatanitchouttareach / Baby Elephant (feat. George Clinton)
Sometimes I Wish! / BLACK MERDA!
Do Your Funky Thing / Jr. and His Soulettes
Memories / Lenny Who?

No borders, no walls—just two hours of the most entrancing and compelling new music from all genres and all regions...and maybe some other assorted weirdness as inspiration strikes.

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