Mixing Cuts and Cutting Mixes: Sound Theory to Radio Art (Video)

Jul 13, 1991
A workshop lead by Frances Dyson at the Radio Contortions festival.

The Radio Contortions festival included live to air performances, recorded works, a panel discussion and several workshop/lectures.

Four workshops were held over two days: "Writing with Sound" by Douglas Kahn; "How to Pronounce Prosthesis and Other Language Lessons" by Gregory Whitehead; "Mixing Cuts and Cutting Mixes: Sound Theory to Radio Art" by Frances Dyson; and "The Physique of the Soul" by Dan Lander. The panel included Frances Dyson, Douglas Kahn, Dan Lander, Julia Loktev (moderator), Wayne Morris, Helen Thorington, and Gregory Whitehead.

Video recordings of these workshops and the panel are made available here on the Wave Farm website with thanks to Christof Migone.

Radio Contortions was curated by Julia Loktev, Christof Migone and Bryan Zuraw. The festival was hosted by CKUT-FM, July 8-14, 1991, Montréal; and presented by the McGill Comparative Literature and Graduate Communications Programs, CKUT 90.3 FM, and the National Campus and Community Radio Conference. For more information, visit: