All Things Cage: Laura Kuhn and Julie Lazar (Audio)
Laura Kuhn talks with curator Julie Lazar, best known in Cage circles for her collaborative work with John Cage on his composition for museum, “Rolywholyover A Circus,” composed on a commission from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, where Lazar was a founding curator and where it was first seen in 1993, one year after Cage’s death. Last week’s program focused on Cage’s interest in the “circus” as a compositional strategy, which expressed itself in works that cross some 25 years. We listened to a lengthy excerpt from his first Musicircus (1968), after which Kuhn then spoke about the concept of the circus as applied to “Rolywholyover,” closing with Klaus Schöning’s beautiful “just to rolywholyover: in memoriam john cage,” produced for MoCA’s The Territory of Art radio series.
Tonight, Laura Kuhn and Julie Lazar speak a bit more about “Rolywholyover A Circus,” now nearly 30 years after its creation, as well as about the lingering influence that Cage has had on their respective lives.