Saturday Morning Serial: Art Omi Music Guerilla Basilica Improvisations (Audio)

Aug 19, 2017
Recorded by Jeffrey Lependorf.
Recorded from a live event on August 12, 2017, this world music avant-garde celebration welcomed the 2017 Art Omi: Music international musician fellows, who participated in a Cagean game of "guerrilla improvisations"--spontaneously created ensembles picked from a hat by the audience. Participating artists included Lindsey Abudei (Nigeria), Tom Arthurs (UK/Berlin), Yuan-Chen Li (Taiwan/USA), Stephen Cohen (USA), Farzin Dehghan (Iran), Hassan Estakhrian (USA), Otto Fischer (Nigeria/UK), Hilliard Greene (USA), Hasan Hujairi (Bahrain), Ailís Ní Ríain (Ireland, Unlimit Art Fellow), Alberto Novello (Italy), Efraín Rozas (Peru/USA), Jeremy Rose (Australia, Australian Arts Council Fellow), and Silvia Sauer (Germany).