The Conduction Series: Art's Birthday - Telematic Tea Party (Audio)

Jan 17, 2025

Join The Conduction Crew for a Telematic Tea Party featuring special Tea Master guests Lam Wong x anothermountainman (in Hong Kong) and Trolleybus (on the road in South India), ABC:V artists Deanne Achong (St. Johns Newfoundland), and Don Chow (Vancouver).

The Conduction crew: Anna Friz (Santa Cruz), August Black (Boulder), Betsey Biggs (Louisville), Florencia Curci (Buenos Aires), Jeff Economy (Kingston), Jimmy Garver (Leeds), Maximilian Goldfarb (Hudson), Peter Courtemanche (Vancouver), Rodrigo Ríos Zunino (Punta Arenas), and Virginia Mantinian (Denver).

Make some tea .. Boil the kettle .. Prepare the leaves and the pot, or the cup and the bag .. Pour the hot water .. Steep .. Pour out the cup(s) .. Drink.

"The Conduction Series" is a collaborative live radio broadcast produced by sound and transmission artists across the Americas on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM Radio for Open Ears in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley. The collective comes together on the first Friday of every month at 3pm ET using the custom-made web platform Mezcal. Emphasizing LIVE interactivity and media archaeological methods, the series explores themes of migration, feedback, user participation, low-key and on-site interaction with mobile devices, and remote collaboration at scale.

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  • She's Gone / John Oates
  • Martian Dubstep / Mushroom Cloud