Radius Sketchpad Audio: Jefferson Kielwagen (Audio)
Jefferson Kielwagen’s piece consists of three discrete tracks: Laugh Tracks, Invisible Crowd, and Interjections. This series employs collective, human sounds to explore the possibilities of emotional infection and distortion. Together, these individual pieces create an eerie atmosphere of life as lived in, through, and influenced by pop culture artifacts and artifice. The first work, Laugh Tracks, explores the contagious effect of laughter, and the power it has to actually distort meaning, creating “fun” where there would be none. Following is Invisible Crowd, which presents the listener with the continuous sound of a bustling crowd - the ever present yet absent multitude points to the paradoxical relationship between absence and presence, and the possibility of a presently absent or absently present. The third track, Interjections, employs the collective sounds of doubt and disgust, operating in a way similar to Laugh Tracks, but in reverse, instilling moods of rejection.-Reprinted from Radius