FCC commissioners Adelstein and Copps come to NYC public hearing

Oct 01, 2006 4:35 am
Federal Communications Commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps will attend a "Town Hall/Public Hearing on the Future of Diversity in the Nation’s Media" at 6 p.m. Oct. 19 at Hunter College.

We're sure the audience at the Hunter College Kaye Playhouse (at East 68th Street between Park and Lexington Avenue) will be asking about low-power FM, shredded studies that prove the harms of a consolidated media, and more. If you are planning to attend and record the hearing, please get in touch, as we'd love to air it on free103point9 Online Radio.

This meeting is sponsored by the National Hispanic Media Coalition/National Latino Media Council, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the National Institute for Latino Policy and in partnership with Free Press, a national public policy group.