Radio News: Pakistan, and an Army chaplain, object to U.S. radio-controlled drone policy

May 22, 2016 10:35 pm

Pakistan on May 22 accused the United States of violating its sovereignty with a radio-controlled drone strike that reportedly killed the leader of the Afghan Taliban and a cab driver in a remote border area inside Pakistan. The president of Afghanistan announced the drone attack killed Mullah Akhtar Mansoor. U.S. officials said Barack Obama authorised the strike with multiple drones, and Pakistan said the U.S. government did not inform Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister, before the strike that U.S. drones were entering Pakistani airspace for the assault, and anonymous U.S. officials confirmed there was no warning. Meanwhile, U.S. Army chaplain Chris Antal has quit sending a May 6 letter of resignation to President Obama that said, "I refuse to support U.S. armed drone policy.... I refuse to support this policy of unaccountable killing." Antal says he saw drone aircraft lined to take off when he was at a military funeral service, and, he told Public Radio International, "My heart was opened to the pain of the loss of these American lives, but to hold that with the drones... to stand there wondering who we were killing, who their families were, and how they were grieving... it just created a break in my soul." The video above is Antal discussing how the military kicked him out of Afghanistan for his views on the radio-controlled drones.