Radio News: FBI paid more than $1 million to get into iPhone

Apr 25, 2016 6:03 pm
Darren Orf at Gizmodo rounds up what the public now knows about the Apple vs. FBI case of the San Bernardino terrorist's iPhone. FBI Director James Comey told a crowd in London April 21 that the U.S. government paid someone to hack open the phone. He said they were paid more money than Comey would make for the remainder of his seven years and four months as FBI director which is at least $1.34 million. Comey says, “It was, in my view, worth it,” although all reports indicate the FBI did not find any useful information on the phone. Perhaps Comey is referring to the legal fees saved, as the Justice Department ended its lawsuit against Apple when the FBI broke into the phone. Read the full story at Gizmodo.