Radio News: Net neutrality effort in Congress starts next week

Apr 30, 2018 10:50 pm
Free Press reports that on May 9 activists will start a serious, if unlikely attempt to restore net neutrality by forcing the Congressional Review Act resolution to a vote. Democrats claim that all 49 of them in the Senate, plus independent Susan Collins from Maine, will vote to repeal the repeal of net neutrality passed by the Federal Communications Commission in December. So the Democrats need just one Republican to vote with them. Even if this magic Republican would emerge, the measure does not have much hope in the House of Representatives. “We will finally force lawmakers to let us know if they stand with the 85 percent of Americans who support net neutrality – or with the cable companies that want to manipulate the internet in service of greater profits,” said David Segal, Executive Director of Demand Progress. “The people are on our side – and if they make their voices heard over coming weeks, we will push this resolution through the Senate and House.” That's all probably wishful thinking, with the net neutrality wars more likely to end with a court ruling then from help from the House and Senate.