Crap-tops vs. Laptops

Jan 20, 2006: 7pm- 11pm
Monkey Town

58 N 3rd St. (btw Wythe & Kent) | Williamsburg, NY 11211 | 718-384-1369

Paper Rad, Treewave, E*Rock, Team Yacht, LoVid, Bit Shifter, and Nullsleep.
Rhizome presents computer-generated beats made with 8-bit and 32-bit technologies come together in this evening of video and multimedia performance. Employing a range of materials--be they hacked Atari consoles or more recent software--the artists demonstrate a common interest in 'dirt style' and bringing the obsolete to colorful and rhythmic life. Presenting opposing ends of the hi-tech (laptops) to low-end (craptops) spectrum, the line-up will reveal how blurry the ratio of bits involved in sound production can become. Can you tell whether the sizzle of static or a chorus of 8-bit bleeps has been made with the Nintendo Gameboy you trashed or the G5 you covet? Join us on January 20th to test your ears and eyes.