Special Reconnaissance_

Nov 09, 2006 - Jan 19, 2007
Gigantic ArtSpace

59 Franklin St. | Manhattan, NY

Artists: Vera Brunner-Sung, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Carrie Dashow + Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, J. Henry Fair, The Folk Songs Project (Alastair Dant, Tom Davis and David Gunn), Ellie Ga, Haley Hughes, Darina Karpov, James Howard Kunstler, Jenny Marketou, Red76, Darren Sylvester, Robin Treadwell. Curated by Dylan Joseph Gauthier.
“Special Reconnaissance: Actions conducted by special operations forces to obtain or verify, by visual observation or other collection methods, information concerning capabilities, intentions and activities…to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic or geographic characteristics of a particular area.” - American Department of Defense Glossary, 2004. Gigantic ArtSpace presents "Special Reconnaissance_," a group show investigating the construction of place at the intersection of conflict, narrative and memory. Blending elements of surveillance and performance, expedition and revelation, the exhibition asks: “How do we define place and how do we find ourselves in it?” Following the root of 'reconnaissance,’ which is ‘to take back the land,' the title of the exhibition takes the word back from the Department of Defense, just as these sixteen artists endeavor to retake place from the forces of ruin, oblivion and decay.