In Other News: Dr. Carmen Boulter

Feb 13, 2014: 2am- 3am
free103point9 Online Radio

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In Other News topics range from the conspiratorial, controversial, and esoteric near the fringe of belief systems. One hour is not usually enough time to explore each topic. Some topics, such as geo-engineering, will be revisited many times. Dr. Carmen Boulter Notes: Credits: Last week Dr. Carmen Boulter's work was mentioned in the context of following the thread in past shows that discussed telluric energy, leylines and megalith builders. Dr. Boulter as many may know is the director, producer and writer of the powerful documentary series called The Pyramid Code. The series has aired in 34 countries and describes how the Great Pyramid served as an energy generator. It was built on intersecting leylines and constructed with specific materials that are now thought to have harnessed and stored power. The power was created by the interaction of sunlight on water moving through passageways to build a charge using large crystals. This concept is similar to Nikola's Tesla's tower design at the Wardenclyffe tower. Dr. Boulter, a former professor at the University of Calgary is also producing another documentary series titled The New Atlantis and is author of the book Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness. Her new website is