Shortwave Hours: Ham Radio for the Blind

Mar 22, 2014: 5am- 7am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and everywhere

Wave Farm Radio 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.

Two hours of shortwave radio-oriented programming, starting with solar weather, news on meteor showers and ham radio, and other reports. Other reports include:
5 a.m., "The RAIN Report" from Hap Holly/KC9RP outside of Chicago, IL. This week: "Rob Santello/K6DQ talks about making ham gear more blind accessible." Then, "ARRL Audio Report." This week: "In this week's report" ARRL Registers a Formal Complaint with the FCC over HF Interference from "Grow Lights;" The FCC Invites Public Comment of a Petition affecting the 10 GHz Band; The National Hurricane Conference Announces Amateur Radio Sessions for 2014."

5:30 a.m.: "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" DX and station news countries all over the world.

6 a.m.: "Amateur Radio Newsline" This week: "Hams asked to assist in the hunt for Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370; Ukraine and Russia bring intruding signals to some High Frequency ham radio bands; hams in France get new band allocations; FCC invites public comment on proposal to restructure the 10 Gigahertz band; an Ohio radio club to celebrate Earth Day and it might not be long before you can take a vicarious ride into space."

6:30 a.m.: "This Week in Radio News" from host Tom Roe at Wave Farm's WGXC with radio news about radio waves.