Sam Sebren discusses his work in the "Transmittal" show at the Greene County Council on the Arts Catskill gallery. (Audio)

Apr 21, 2012
Interview by Tom Roe.

Included in Transmittal, Sam Sebren (Athens, NY) presents 9/11-QVC , is an off-air single-channel video work. On the 10th Anniversary of the September 11 attacks in New York City, Sebren videotaped himself toggling his television dial between news coverage in memorial of the attacks and a home shopping network’s regularly scheduled programming. Here Sebren “performs” with a palette of commercial television broadcast re-presenting these transmissions in a critical and reflective light.

Organized in partnership with Acra-based nonprofit arts organization free103point9, Transmittal, offers Greene County residents and visitors a window into Transmission Arts. Transmittal is curated by Galen Joseph-Hunter, free103point9’s Executive Director and author of Transmission Arts: Artists and Airwaves (PAJ Publications: 2011.) The exhibition features an international and local roster of artists and organizations whose work celebrates the interdisciplinary nature of Transmission Arts and is made manifest in video, sound, radio, installation, performance, and work-on-paper.