PiratesWeek: MA H.R. 1679

Jul 27, 2013: 6pm- 7pm
free103point9 Online Radio

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First, the Weekly Presidential Radio Address, and Republican Response. Then "PiratesWeek," with "pirates in the news this week include Massachusetts Broadcasters Seek Better Pirate Ammo. Steven Walsh introduced H.R. 1679, which would give the state attorney general the power to seek action against pirates, including seizing equipment and seeking money damages. We also take a look at the FCC Activities. Select postings from the Free Radio Network, HF Underground and note stations logged per the Free Radio Weekly ‭Off Air Recordings include the stations of: Red Mercury Labs, Pee Pee Vagina Radio, Black Cat Radio and Radio Free Whatever. Haarp facility to close down, A story from International Radio Report On the Media looks at Voice of America and the new law that allows some of its programming to be finally available for a domestic audience."